
As Promised.....

I can now upload pics of M and I!

Last week we went to get frozen yogurt. This week I went to her softball game - her team name is Orange Crush. Their colors are blue and orange. Her coach is an AU fan. Hence, the reason for the auburn like colors - which is probably why her team is undefeated. Bam!

After her game we went to CiCi's. I haven't eaten there in probably 10 years. They have a mac n cheese pizza. It was kind of amazing. It's a good thing I ran yesterday.

On that side note, I ran 5.5 miles. I have my first 10K at the end of the month so I have about 3 weeks to add .7 of a mile to my run. That should be doable, right?

After our first meeting at the office.
All finished at Chill.
Chowing down on the mac n cheese pizza. Amazing.
I'm pretty sure she is over pictures.


  1. Thanks! And you will be referred to on my blog as "KA" - no one will figure it out! ;)


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