
20 Weeks

How far along: 20 weeks

Total weight gain: We had a doctor's appointment last week where I asked this very same question. I am down a total of 3 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. I was not lying about how sick I felt!

Maternity clothes: Yes and no. Still wearing non maternity flowy dresses, shirts and a few loose pants. Regardless of my weight being down, the belly is there so I do love some of my maternity shorts and pants because they are so comfortable.

Stretch marks: No

Sleep: I was sleeping awesome. I had a few days where I was getting an average of 5 hours, but the past few days have been okay. As soon as I found out we were pregnant I started to try and sleep on my side because I totally sleep straight on my stomach and knew that wouldn't be an option during the entire pregnancy. So far it's okay. I still sleep on my stomach some, but mainly on my side.

Best moment of this week: Well, last Thursday we had our big ultrasound and found out what we were having! I was so excited. It was also the "deadline" I gave myself to share the news publicly. The picture above is what went viral. :) The rest of our families were glad to because they were so tired of keeping our secret - although SOME were better at secret keeping than others. The baby would show everything but their face so we get to see that (hopefully if baby cooperates) on our next appointment. Nothing like having an ultrasound every appointment.

Miss anything: Running - who would have thought I would ever say that?! Sushi. I miss being able to stay up late.

Movement: Around 18 weeks I started to notice the "flutters" more. I love it. It's the best feeling ever.

Food cravings: Salty foods - like dips and chip. I crave sweet drinks: regular coke and sweet tea. YUM.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Praise the Lord that I started to feel better around 17 weeks. Seriously. I was terrified that I would be sick during my entire pregnancy. Now I just get hungry, not really sick.

Have you started to show yet: Yes. I still don't feel like it's a cute bump, but then again I'm not sure that I will ever be that cute bumped pregnant girl.

Gender: Baby BRAM (Britney or Cam) is............... BRITNEY!!!!!!!! 
Parent reactions: 
J - "Daddy's girl." 
Me - "OMG J we have to pay for a wedding." 
Yup. Those were the first things each of us said.

Labor signs: Gosh no.

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Excited. Once we found out the gender I feel like I can start doing so many more things to prepare. I'm still quite terrified most of the time, so I am praying constantly for peace and a healthy baby girl. God is in control and I am okay with that. But I still have my moments because I am crazy.

Looking forward to: My sister is coming to visit this weekend before she leaves me for Germany. :( UGH. I'm excited to do some baby things with her like show her the furniture we are thinking about and going to possibly start one of our registries. Everything is so flipping expensive and it's not like you can go super cheap - hello this is a little baby I am responsible for.

13 Weeks

How far along: 13 weeks

Total weight gain: It fluctuates.....I saw the doctor file and it said +3.5 (if I read it correctly), but according to my scale which is the same scale I have been weighing myself on at the same time in the same outfit, I am up +1 lb. However, I have seen it as high as +3 lbs. :) But it wasn't today and that's what it's important! HAHA.

Maternity clothes: Kind of. GASP! I knew that my pants would be getting a big snug. I also have a family vacation coming up. I don't want to keep buying a wardrobe "the next size up" so I did get some "maternity things." They are so freaking comfortable, but they are BIG on me. I can also still wear a bunch of my shirts, dresses and pants - just having issues with work pants as of now.

Stretch marks: No

Sleep: Typically sleeping awesome. BUT, when I get up around 2 AM to use the restroom I am up for an hour - two hours trying to fall back asleep. Doesn't that stop soon?

Best moment of this week: Our dr appointment we received another ultra sound. It's only the first trimester and I have had 4 ultrasounds. Yup. This time it was cool because it looked like a baby! And according to everyone else, this baby looks like J.

Miss anything: Working out hardcore. I like being lazy by choice. Not because I feel like puking my brains out.

Movement:  Not yet.

Food cravings: No cravings. I'm liking cold items now. Like smoothies, fruit juice pops and I really want shaved ice! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm still queasy, but it has gotten better. I am able to eat more food (selection wise and quantity wise).

Have you started to show yet: I feel like I am today. I swear I look like I'm 5 months pregnant. I hope that is all in my mind. I'm also wearing a really tight shirt today with maternity pants (that are too big FYI) because I HAD to wear khaki's to work. I'm blaming the outfit, but secretly it's kind of fun.

Gender: I just want a healthy baby! J & I think we prefer a boy, but I told him that baby BRAM (Britney or Cam?) will be a girl. Our cats are girls. He will be outnumbered as usual.

Labor signs: Gosh no.

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. But I can shed some tears. I cried my eyes out during the Easter service at Church - which is not too abnormal. The Boston Marathon - I have a hard time with. I have to tear myself away from the tv/news articles. And I randomly cry over tv shows, commercials.

Looking forward to: Announcing. It still makes me nervous though. I am also looking forward to using ProActiv again. My forehead is broken out like you wouldn't believe. It's so weird. I haven't had this bad of acne since middle school and even then I don't think it was this bad!

9 Weeks

Finally posting some older blog entries........

I figured I may as well start blogging before I forget everything.....

Today starts the beginning of week 9 (at least I think it does). I'm sitting here at work on my "lunch" break, but let's be REALLY honest. I haven't had a lunch break for the past 3 weeks where I actually eat lunch. Why? Because from the time I am barely awake until I pass out in the evening I feel like I could throw up. I literally feel sick the entire time I am awake. It is very aggravating and yet I am 110% thankful that God has "blessed" (I'm still using that term loosely - jk) me with morning (again - another lie, more like ALL DAY) sickness. It's literally like a never ending hangover (unless your hangovers don't involve queasy tummies). After visiting with our doctor last week he prescribed an anti-nausea pill called Zofran. Apparently Zofran is for chemo patients, but is safe for pregnant women. Um what?! I am naturally paranoid and crazy so hearing this news doesn't seem like it's so safe for me to use. It does help a bit, however I am really only taking it as needed - not the every 4 hours it says to take it. I've been caffeine free, proactiv face wash free, ambien free, and deli meat free so why take the chance by taking multiple pills a day? Therefore I have only taken it when I have had to drive somewhere (like a late night out of town work meeting) where feeling so sick could be dangerous while driving.

We met with our doctor last week and heard the heartbeat and saw the very, very itty bitty tiny baby. I really don't do well with waiting. People say pregnancy flies by, but I beg to differ at this point. Every day feels the same - yucky and sick feeling. Plus, it's way too early to start shopping  or picking out a name........Heck, the majority of my CLOSE friends are not even aware of our happy news. We are not even out of the first trimester. I have so many concerns with sharing the news in case something happens. Like when is a good time to announce? Obviously the friends will know before it goes viral (thank you facebook), but when is a good time for that? Something could always happen no matter what stage of the pregnancy I'm in. Thankfully, I have been praying constantly for peace and I have been freakishly calm thus far.

I debated doing one of these things. However, it will be a great reminder of this journey and maybe refresh my memory on what to expect when Baby #2 arrives. What, did the thought of going through this a second time go through my head?

How far along: 9 weeks

Total weight gain: Oh it fluctuates.....Last week it was +.5 lb which is fine by me because I CANNOT gain a bunch of weight!!!!

Maternity clothes: No! Although I bet I will be out of my old clothes by the end of the first trimester.

Stretch marks: No

Sleep: Sleep is funny because I am sleeping without ambien! Once I try to fall asleep I pretty much pass out into a deep slumber, which is fantastic. The only times I have issues is when I feel sick and it makes me stay up a bit more. Or, when I wake up at 4 AM (as I did three days last week) and I'm up for an hour or two before going back to sleep. Regardless this has been some of the best sleep. I am sleeping 9+ hours on the weekends and around 8 or so during the week.

Best moment of this week: Hearing the heartbeat at our first doctor's appointment last week. It was kind of weird, but reassuring!

Miss anything: Working out hardcore. I'm randomly missing sushi....Like sushi would make me feel better. Ick!

Movement:  Not yet

Food cravings: Nope because eating does not sound appealing at all. Maybe sushi. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: From 5.5 weeks thus far, everything makes me feel sick although I have never actually thrown up. I've tried though. I am really slacking on protein because NO meat sounds good. And I am tired of eating granola bars and ritz crackers. Bagels were okay for like 2 weeks straight, but I don't want to eat a bagel every day.

Have you started to show yet: I am definitely looking more pudgy in that area, which I read is not uncommon if you have weak abs. Since that is my problem area, I'm not surprised.

Gender: I just want a healthy baby!

Labor signs: Gosh no

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Quiet. That's my mood. If I talk I want to puke. :) Not moody though. Just calm and silent, which I'm sure J appreciates.

Looking forward to: Telling people. Seriously. It's a hard secret to keep!