
You Know It's Bad When.....

I see this and immediately think of Charlie Sheen: 
Even though I know Chipotle did this before Charlie Sheen had his goddesses.

Eye of the Round Roast & Bacon Spinach Salad

Eye of the Round Roast:
3 lb roast - I used a 2 lbs
3/4 C water
1 package of Italian dressing mix
1/4 soy sauce
garlic powder

Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Season the roast with garlic and pepper. Brown in a skillet using a bit of EVOO. Mix soy sauce, water, the Italian dressing mix and pour over the roast. Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Check and make sure there is still enough liquid in the skillet. Reduce the heat to 200 degrees and cook for 30 minutes to an hour. When done, slice and enjoy! It is also good cold for sandwiches.

Rating: 5/5

Hands down this has become my favorite roast recipe. Granted I have only used one recipe before. This was so amazingly good! I used a meat thermometer while the roast was in the oven to ensure that we would be food poisoning free. After I took it out from the oven I sliced the roast and made sure it was cooked (I also trimmed off any fat I could find - gross). There was enough liquid in the pan to pour over before serving or to dip the meat in. I used the leftovers for sandwiches and added provolone cheese. Yummy! Just make sure that if you use your skillet and put it in the oven, that it can handle the oven heat.

Bacon Spinach Salad
5 C torn spinach
1/2 C red onion wedges
2 hard boiled eggs - chopped
4 slices bacon - crumbled
1 C Catalina dressing
1 C mushrooms - sliced  (J is not a mushroom fan so the shrooms were cut)

Toss all ingredients, but the dressing in a large bowl. Serve with dressing. Feel free to add chicken for some protein.

Rating: 4/5

Great salad. I will be using a different dressing next time since I am not a fan of Catalina.

Baked Chicken Parmesan

I am always looking for new recipes for chicken. Chicken is one of my favorite things to cook (because there are so many yummy recipes) and J  hates it. Anytime he asks what's for dinner he will go ahead and say, "Let me guess - chicken?" Men. I like chicken because I do not believe in eating red meat every night. Geez. I tried a salad to go along with it, but I strongly disliked the salad. I didn't even serve it with our dinner - I just threw something together.

Baked Chicken Parmesan:
1 t salt
1/4 t garlic powder
1/8 t thyme
1 T parsley- m inced
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Marsala cooking wine
1/4 t pepper
1/4 t paprika
1/4 C parmesan cheese
1/3 C bread crumbs
1/3 C water
1/4 C I Can't Believe It's Not Butter - melted

Combine s & p, garlic powder, paprika, thyme, cheese, parsley, and bread crumbs in a ziplock bag. Coat chicken in bag. Oil a shallow baking dish, pour in water and place chicken in dish. Sprinkle with oil and the melted margarine. Back uncovered for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Lower the oven temperature to 325, pour wine over chicken, cover and bake for 15 more minutes. Remove cover and drain the liquid. Raise the temperature back up to 350 and bake for 10 minutes longer.

Rating: 4/5 

Although the cooking directions drove me nuts - who wants to keep getting up and down to make dinner - it was very yummy and passed the chicken expert's (my husband) expectations. I would love to make this again and toss it in with some pasta. I heart carbs.