
"I Was Born This Way"

Thanks for the title today Ga Ga. You know what I was born with? Allergies. Actually I have no idea if you are born with allergies or if they just evolve during life. 

Doesn't this look like fun?
Can I get a woo hoo for allergy testing? 
 Since this place decided to re test me  the allergist was not too impressed with the doings of my doctor in Abilene I was able to get pricked 40 times. Lucky me. It actually was better than the test in Abilene, which involved 90+ pricks.

Good news of the day? I am not allergic to cockroaches. Yes, they actually test for that.

"Californiaaaaaaaaaaa. Here We Come."

I am extremely pumped about that the Real Housewives of the OC has returned another season of drama. I love this show, but I am having issues with Tamra. On the show she looks so strange to me - it's like she had work done after her divorce, but she looks like a squinty pug. I also don't understand why she thinks Gretchen should just move on and forget their rough past. Tamra was the "mean girl", but has partly lost her cattiness as she is going through a divorce - pretty sure Gretchen does not care nor will she care since Tamra was horrid to her.

Tonight is the bachelor FINALE. Woo hoo! Like most of America, I have fallen in love with Emily from this season of the bachelor. While in line at Kroger the other day, I read this horrible article on how she was gold digger seeking celeb status. I was shocked because she does such a good job of playing (close to) a saint on this show. But there is usually some truth to the stories US Weekly and In Touch run........Sketch. But according to this site, In Touch's story doesn't pan out. WHEW! I would hate if my reality TV wasn't real! \

Enough about reality TV. I feel like a crackhead being awake so early today. Our fridge (specifically our freezer) has frozen over for the third time so I am awaiting maintenance to fix it. My fridge is currently at a lovely temperature of 58 degrees. Have I mentioned I miss my house? :)

Fettuccine Alfredo & Basic Bruschetta

Fettuccine Alfredo:
8 oz package fettuccine
2 T butter
1/4 C grated parmesean cheese
1/2 C half & half
S & P

Cook fettuccine and drain. In sauce pot, saute garlic in butter and add fettuccine to med - low heat. Slowly stir and add Parmesan cheese and half & half. Blend until the sauce has thickened and season with pepper.

Rating: 4/5

I love fettuccine because I am obsessed with cheesy flavors. However, this is a recipe that is not completely good for you and can be high in fat, etc. Therefore, in the Bentley kitchen this was made with all low/fat free ingredients. It was super easy and delicious. Next time I am going to throw in some protein and veggies.

Basic Brushetta:
1 baguette
1/2 C EVOO

Cut bread into slices and place under a broiler (or a grill) until lightly brown. Turn off oven (or take away from heat) and repeat. Once bread is off of heat, rub one side of each piece with garlic. Next, brush a little bit of olive oil over bread and enjoy or add a topping of choice.

Rating: 4/5

Amongst a love for cheese, I have a crush on bread. I really heart carbs. Agh. This was another quick and easy recipe. It was yummy and would be even better garnished with a topping.