
Month Eleven

Such a big month! We found out you were moving up to the one year old room a bit early due to your walking and table food consumption. You also received your first bite from school. Apparently you had a toy that your friend wanted so she bit you. Sounds reasonable to me. 

Sleep: You had some bad nights where you could not get comfortable. So bad that we even resorted to co-sleeping which does not work for anyone except you. Even then, it still didn't really work for you. On the few nights where we had to do this you would grunt and flip around. It turns out that the never ending ear infection was to blame.

Clothes and Diapers, etc: You are still in size 6-9 clothing and size 3 diapers.

Bath: You love Splishy Splashy time with your daddy.

Medical: Blasted ear infections. It kept returning (or never fully going away). After many (like four) rounds of medicine, we had to give you shots to fight the infection. For three days you had to go to the pediatricians office to get a shot. We also were referred to an ENT to discuss the option of tubes. You also may have had Fifths Disease and did have a nasty cold. Cheers for building up the immune system!

Food: I still nurse and pump for you, but am having to give formula more and more. You are only on table food and do so well. You are an amazing eater and will eat anything and everything.
Stats: No measurements for this month.

Development/Mannerisms: Such a big month! You started learning the word "no." When I said it you thought it was hilarious and would giggle. Then dad would say it and you would cry. A sign of what to look forward to? You began to walk more and more. You can take 5-7 steps before falling. Also, you are very vocal and make a ton of noise. You will say "dada" and occasionally "mama," but haven't put together many words yet. No worries, your focus seems to be on walking. You were a bit more fussy this month. I'm sure this also had something to do with the constant ear infections. If we (your dad and I) walked away you would fuss and cry. Dramatic. We have also started pushing the sippy cup more since that's all you will get in the new room at school.

Appearance: Your hair has turned blonder and must be put up in a high pony or it is a hot mess. Your eyes are still a gorgeous blue and you have better lashes than I do. Your toe and finger nails are sharp and always out of control.

Blowing Kisses
Moo Moo (cow figurine)

Being left alone

All About Mom:
I've got nothing.

Month Ten

Sleep: Still a delicious sleeper!

Clothes and Diapers, etc: You are still in size 6-9 clothing and size 3 diapers.

Bath: You love Splishy Splashy time with your daddy.

Medical: All we have done is fight the ear infection that doesn't go away! We've been on a couple of rounds of antibiotics and it helps, but never goes away. You have a total of four teeth! Your top two and bottom two are now in, which is great. Apparently once you get past those four the others are okay until the molars come in. 

Food: You primarily get mommy's milk, but occasionally have formula due to supply issues. You get 2 bottles at school that are around 7 oz each (hopefully). We also started giving you more table food. I gave school permission to give you fruits and veggies from their menu so they started you on more "solid" food. It made sense since I am super paranoid that you would choke.
Stats: You weigh 19 lbs 5 oz and are 28 inches tall. Your head measured at 42.9 cm. Still a petite girl!

Development/Mannerisms: You started standing alone for a few seconds before you hit the ground. Next, you were walking with the help of adult hands or the couch. You finally took your first steps to your daddy! Now you love moving with your walker, but we have to pay attention because that sucker goes fast and you aren't quite there yet. You also began to wave which thrills the family members who we facetime with. When you read this will you even know what facetime is? Because you have teeth you sometime like to bite. It's rare, but has happened.

Appearance: Your hair has turned blonder and must be put up in a high pony or it is a hot mess. Your eyes are still a gorgeous blue and you have better lashes than I do. Your toe and finger nails are sharp and always out of control.

Splishy Splashy

Getting ready for bed
Ear Infections

All About Mom:
- It's a shame I don't keep notes on myself. :)


Month Nine

This was a month of many firsts. You rocked the cutest 4th of July outfit and your grandparents came to visit for the Holiday. Your father also shot fireworks off outside of your bedroom and I almost killed him.

Sleep: You my darling, are back to sleeping through the night with an occasional waking. I have also started singing/humming Silent Night to you as we rock. I have no idea why (aside from the fact that I love Christmas), but you seem to love it.

Clothes and Diapers, etc: You are still in size 6-9 clothing and size 3 diapers.

Bath: You love Splishy Splashy time and we have finally removed the baby seat so you can sit in the tub on your own. Your father continues to bathe you as it still stresses me out. 

Medical: It only took 9 months, but you were finally diagnosed with your first ear infection. You showed zero signs as you were still cheerful and ate well. However, you had a fever one night so we took you in. Thankfully, it was only in one ear and explains your occasional waking during the night. Chomp! Chomp! Your first tooth finally popped out (your bottom right) as well. This month was also your first "black eye." Apparently you dove face first for a toy at school and wound up with a bruise under your eye.

Food: We went back to nursing after formula so you are still on mommy's milk. During our nursing sessions you have started moving around a lot and nurse in the weirdest positions. Maybe because your ear was bothering you? You get 2 bottles at school that are around 7 oz each. I usually send two solids for you to have during the day as well.
Stats: You weigh 18 lbs 6 oz and are 27.2 inches tall. Your head measured at 42.4 cm. You are a petite girl!

Development/Mannerisms: All you do is crawl and love to push yourself up to a standing position. We started using a highchair when we go out to eat. It has gone very well and you love people watching. I personally love our high chair/grocery cart cover! You started clapping mommy's hands, but one day when I walked in to pick you up from school you started clapping for me. Ha! Recently you have shown much more interest in playing with your toys which is great because you are easily entertained.

Appearance: Your hair is still a light brown color and you have enough to rock some serious high ponies! Your eyes are still a gorgeous blue and you have better lashes than I do. Your toe and finger nails are sharp and always out of control.

Splishy Splashy
Sitting in a high chair
Climbing on people

Getting ready for bed

All About Mom:
- It's a shame I don't keep notes on myself. :)