
Look What You Made Me Do

I know you are probably sick and tired of hearing about Taylor Swift, snakes, reputations, etc.

If you fall into this category, then this post is not for you.

You have been warned.

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time or know me in person then you are aware that I am 100% Team Britney. That hasn't changed.

However, over the years I have become so intrigued with the hidden messages in Taylor's albums (I first mentioned this on my blog here regarding Speak Now) and the cleverness of her marketing team. Plus, I can't get her catchy lyrics out of my head and always enjoy when someone crosses the dark side into pop music. I'm sure there are many fan sites that analyze each release of her albums and if you have time, I encourage you to research the secret codes for every one.

That being said, I was totally jazzed about her recent blackout on social media and the clues her team began to release in anticipation of her upcoming single. I woke up on Friday morning and downloaded Look What You Made Me Do while I was still in bed. You can read my initial thoughts about this jam in my weekending recap post.

Have you seen the video that accompanies this pop melody?

Good news! I have it right here for you:

Upon your initial view (or maybe the first few times), a few things may stick out to you about who the song is about. However, I am willing to bet that you missed the majority of the details displayed in her music video. Don't worry, you can read all about the shade she threw in this production. It's glorious, intriguing, and gave me hope that her album will live up to the hype.

Check out all the hidden elements in Look What You Made Me Do on Buzzfeed.

Here's to hoping she asks me to join her squad.

*Linking up with Lindsay's Sweet World

Weekending: Before Football Season


We have less than a week until Game Day! Although the fall turns into a crazy time for us, I welcome everything it has to offer: cooler weather, pumpkin everything, AND Auburn football!

Before things get crazy, we had a low key weekend in town.

Friday began with a long day of work, hitting the gym, and catching up on Homeland before passing out by 11 p.m.

 We are wild, I tell you.

Saturday morning was just E and I since J was called into work. We met our friends at Michaels for a kids club class. We met up with E's BFF from her old school and it was so good to see him and chat with his mama. Also joining us was my work twin (you may know her as Lindsay from Lindsay's Sweet World) and her two munchkins.

I was so excited for the company and following the painting craft, we all headed to the playground to run off some energy.

It was overcast and cloudy, but never rained - do I have any readers from Texas? You all have been in our thoughts and prayers.

E miraculously did not nap after the busy morning so we rolled the dice and headed to Cracker Barrel  to use an old gift card for dinner and stopped for a treat of shave ice on the way home.

E did pass out in the truck so it was an early night for all of us, again.

Sunday started with church, a trip to the grocery store, and a workout. I spent the rest of the day prepping lunches for the week (oh my do kids require a lot of prep just to start each week), getting dinner ready, and folding laundry.

Of course, I'm leaving out the most important thing from the weekend and that is Taylor Swift's new single! I watched the video last night and it made me like the song more. It's totally different than what she normally does and I hope her album is much better, but feel that this single was almost a teaser...I didn't care for it and first and now it's grown on me. Curses.

Anywho, did you love it? Hate it? My inquiring mind wants to know!!!


Confessions - 7.6.17 -

It's been a while since I've participated in Confessional Thursday. Don't worry, that doesn't mean I don't have anything to rant about!

I confess

... that I like time off, but HATE when a holiday falls in the middle of the week. It screws up my days (like I told my coworkers to have a good weekend on Monday when I left), messes my child up, AND we can't stay up to watch fireworks because it's a school night. #oldladystatus

... that I have become OBSESSED with Homeland. Maybe it's because I can relate to Carrie? #Igotyourcrazy

... that I cannot get behind the Halo Top ice cream. I've tried a couple of flavors and do not see what the big deal is. In fact, I kind of think it's nasty. #nothanks

... that summer is horrible because I always have to shave. #aintnobodygottimeforthat

... that when I am sore from a workout, I swear that my body is rock hard. If I can barely move how can anything possibly jiggle? #sweatisyourfatcrying

... that it took me FOREVER to decide on a new backpack for E. #potterybarnkidshype

... that we are really, REALLY wanting to list our house for sale, but I dread getting the house ready to sell. #andwehavenowheretogo

... that I am still highly annoyed that our neighborhood vetoed a pool a few years ago. #swimminginsweat

... that I wish I could cut off Homeland and read. #butthenIwouldfallasleep

... that some of us may be planning a reunion weekend and I will be so jazzed if it happens. #tfj

... that I would love to take some type of photography class and buy a nice camera, but am afraid I would never use it. #iPhonephotography

... that I would love to get another round of Whole30 in before football season starts. I'm meal planning for my daughter now so I may as well. Anyone want to do it with me? #powerinnumbers