
Confessions - 7.6.17 -

It's been a while since I've participated in Confessional Thursday. Don't worry, that doesn't mean I don't have anything to rant about!

I confess

... that I like time off, but HATE when a holiday falls in the middle of the week. It screws up my days (like I told my coworkers to have a good weekend on Monday when I left), messes my child up, AND we can't stay up to watch fireworks because it's a school night. #oldladystatus

... that I have become OBSESSED with Homeland. Maybe it's because I can relate to Carrie? #Igotyourcrazy

... that I cannot get behind the Halo Top ice cream. I've tried a couple of flavors and do not see what the big deal is. In fact, I kind of think it's nasty. #nothanks

... that summer is horrible because I always have to shave. #aintnobodygottimeforthat

... that when I am sore from a workout, I swear that my body is rock hard. If I can barely move how can anything possibly jiggle? #sweatisyourfatcrying

... that it took me FOREVER to decide on a new backpack for E. #potterybarnkidshype

... that we are really, REALLY wanting to list our house for sale, but I dread getting the house ready to sell. #andwehavenowheretogo

... that I am still highly annoyed that our neighborhood vetoed a pool a few years ago. #swimminginsweat

... that I wish I could cut off Homeland and read. #butthenIwouldfallasleep

... that some of us may be planning a reunion weekend and I will be so jazzed if it happens. #tfj

... that I would love to take some type of photography class and buy a nice camera, but am afraid I would never use it. #iPhonephotography

... that I would love to get another round of Whole30 in before football season starts. I'm meal planning for my daughter now so I may as well. Anyone want to do it with me? #powerinnumbers


Weekending: Holiday Style

Well, it's Monday and while you are reading this from a float on the lake or laying out in the sand, I am working hard in the office. Although my company is closed tomorrow, I have a large project to oversee this morning so I couldn't take today off for a long weekend. #boohiss

Regardless, we had a carefree, wonderful weekend.

I'm currently debating on joining Orangetheory Fitness or another studio in my area called Solcioty Fitness. Lucky for me (and FYI for you) you can take a free class to see what all the fuss is about. My Friday evening was spent at Orangetheory sweating it out in the combo class. It was great and the staff was very friendly and attentive, but I still wanted to try the class at the other studio.

Following my class, I headed to a sorority sister's home to try on foundation. I've been in need of a new foundation for multiple weeks and wanted something with better coverage than what Bare Minerals was providing.  Leslie was as sweet as always and spent about an hour playing with different brands and explaining what she was doing. She also shared a few samples with me to try and I think I have a winner!!!

Saturday morning was spent with E since J was called into work. We missed my running group for fear of rain - while I don't care about getting wet, I knew the toddler would freak out - but the weather held off and I had major guilt over missing the workout.

E and I met J (not MY J, but her BF from school) and his momma at Michaels for another fun craft. The kiddos made slime and were able to choose the color and sparkles of their choice. This was followed by a brief coloring session to decorate the slime container.

Since the Heavens had not opened yet, the four of us headed to a playground to run off some energy. When the sun began to peak its head and the humidity became unbearable, E and I headed to Carter's to purchase some more clothes for the summer. Her wardrobe was seriously slacking. P.S. Carter's has a great sale going on: 40% off clearance. Go now.

I trapped E in her crib for a nap that didn't happen while I caught up on laundry and Homeland. I am OBSESSED - with Homeland, not laundry obvy. That evening I became the cat whisperer while J and I started to watch Girl on the Train.

As always, J fell asleep and my eyelids weren't far behind. A storm started to roll in so J and I stood on the front porch for a while to take it in. We love storms! Once we were tucked in our comfy bed, E woke up and began to cry. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that we have had a few tornado scares in our area. Since she's been at school during these times, a fear of storms has now emerged. J got her settled and we all had a restful night.

J was called into work again on Sunday so E and I headed out to church and then to pick up a few groceries. When I parked at the store, a great song popped up on the radio so E and I jammed out. During our concert, I realized that this guy was in the parking spot across from me just standing there. I assume he realized I wasn't getting out of my car so he headed back to his ride and hung out in the passenger side (there was no driver). It sparked my curiousity so I watched him for a few minutes. He was yelling at the different customers who were heading into the store and putting groceries in their car. I could not hear what he was saying, but assume he was asking for money. Since it was just E and I, I backed the car out and headed across the lot away from him. When I walked in the store I shared the concern with an employee and ran into one of the ladies he had spoken to. She said he was acting really weird and was also going to report him so I'm glad I parked far, far away. Sketchy things happen to me.

J was home when we returned from the store and he offered to take E to the pool while I headed out to Solcioty for my complimentary class. On my way to the class, I received a text that someone had pooped in the pool and it was now closed. I felt so badly for E and then for the parent of the child who caused the pool to shut down. THANK GOD it was not my kid! And props to my husband who lifted her out of the water and carried her to dry, non-poopy land. Unfortunately, the place would not refund his money for their ten minute swim since they would reopen in two hours. Ridiculous. It reminded me again of how badly I want to move since our neighborhood voted against putting in a pool/playground a few years ago. #bahumbug

Class was excellent and very similar to Orangetheory, but the best part was how fabulous my foundation held after an hour of my fat crying a.k.a. sweating.

Therefore, I think Laura Mercier may have a new customer!

Our weekend was slightly busy and filled with enough random adventures (remember my Crackhead post?) to satisfy me for a few days, haha. Since it was mostly spent working out and fretting over makeup, does anyone want to share their recommended foundation? Anyone HATE Orangetheory? I'm kind of torn and would like to hear from you!

While I don't have a particular post to share with you for Independence Day, don't forget about this tip that can make your life easier for any BBQ or party.

I hope everyone has a relaxing day off, keeps our leaders and military in their prayers, and sends a few prayers my way that I don't go crazy when the neighbors set off fireworks on a school night.

Man, I am SO old and grouchy!

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Mom Summer Exchange

Hellooooooooooooooo long-lost friends!

I realize it's been almost an entire month without a post and believe me when I say that life has been crazy busy. I feel like I have always been as transparent as I can be on the blog and genuinely strive for complete honesty. That being said, I apologize as I will not be sharing the reason for the hiatus - although, I hope to chat about it one day. If things continue to improve, I think a few blog posts could be in the future. :) I appreciate any prayers you send our way!

Enough about me and my sketchiness. Today's post focuses on the fun swap I participated in earlier this month.

I am a relatively new reader of My Glittery Heart and was thrilled when Heather announced the Mom Summer Exchange she was hosting. Being the adventurous person that I am (can you read the sarcasm?) I filled out the form and was soon matched with Jenna from Tractors and Glam, which was excellent since I had never read her blog. 

After a few emails, we learned a bit more about each other and got to work!

When I opened up the package, I had a little note explaining that she picked some of her favorite things. This cute card also reminded me that I need to have some fun stationary on hand at all times. 

The first item I was immediately drawn to because I have wanted it for weeks and weeks and weeks!

I was in dire need of a bright, summer polish and she nailed it! 

Appropriately titled Watermelon by essie, I immediately used it and even painted E's toes for the first time. It also made me chuckle as my last post was How To Cut A Watermelon...Easily.

Keeping with the watermelon theme, a package of Sour Patch candy was included. 

I love these and reminisced about the years I worked at Limited Too (that store now known as Justice). It's where I met one of my BFF (DJ) and we would snack on the sweet and sour "fruit" during our shift. 

She also included another beauty item that I am looking forward to trying. 

The peel-off part slightly frightens me, but the packaging just screams "refreshing!" 

The mask and the polish were tucked away in the next surprise:

How funny and fitting is this water bottle?! Some days I have this attitude when my alarm goes off because...adulting is hard. 

Anyone who knows me well is aware of my obsession with chapstick, which is why this next gift was perfect.

SPF is incredibly important (especially on your smoocher) and this will be used for pool days, outdoor runs, and future football games - if it makes it that long!

Speaking of lazy days by the water, the last surprise is ideal for the season. 

I love the anchor, play on words, and size of the bag. Plus, it's plastic and I envision it holding allllll the things when the heat forces us towards water. 

This may have been my first swap, but I am eagerly anticipating the next one! Who doesn't love surprise packages in the mail?!?

Although I enjoyed getting something delivered that wasn't from Amazon, hehe, it is true that it is better to give than to receive. 

I had so much fun picking out items - hop on over to Tractors and Glam to see what I sent!

*Linking up with Lindsay's Sweet World and My Glittery Heart